برهان حرکت




[...] there's a book by Rainer Maria Rilke that
helped me a lot: Letters to a Young Poet. With- 
out it I'd probably think I was crazy some- 
times. I think that when an artist - forgive me, 
but I do think I'm becoming an artist, even 
though some people willlaugh; that's why I 
apologize - when an artist tries to be true, you 
sometimes feel you're on the verge of some 
kind of craziness. But it isn't really craziness. 
You're just trying to get the truest part of your- 
self out, and it's very hard, you know. There 
are times when you think, "All I have to be is 
true." But sometimes it doesn't come so easily. 
And sometimes it's very easy. [...]

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